Auger Boring
A technique for forming a bore from a jacking or drive shaft to a receiving shaft by means of a rotating auger with cutting tools. The casings are jacked forward sequentially in a cyclic process while the auger is turned. Spoils are removed back to the drive shaft by helically wound auger flights rotating in the steel casing. The equipment may have limited guidance and steering capability.
A technique for forming a bore from a jacking or drive shaft to a receiving shaft by means of a rotating auger with cutting tools. The casings are jacked forward sequentially in a cyclic process while the auger is turned. Spoils are removed back to the drive shaft by helically wound auger flights rotating in the steel casing. The equipment may have limited guidance and steering capability.
Pilot Tube/Guided Boring
A multistage method of accurately installing a product pipe to line and grade by use of a guided pilot tube followed by upsizing to install the product pipe. The pilot tube method does not fit within the definition of microtunneling. Guided Boring Method - Another term for the pilot tube method, in which an auger boring power unit is used with a pilot tube’s guidance and steering system.
A multistage method of accurately installing a product pipe to line and grade by use of a guided pilot tube followed by upsizing to install the product pipe. The pilot tube method does not fit within the definition of microtunneling. Guided Boring Method - Another term for the pilot tube method, in which an auger boring power unit is used with a pilot tube’s guidance and steering system.
Pipe Ramming
A trenchless installation method whereby a pneumatic pipe ramming tool is attached, via ram cones, to the rear of an open-ended steel casing pipe, which is then driven into the ground with repeated percussive blows. Once the steel casing pipe is driven into place the spoils within the casing are mechanically / manually removed or spoils may be removed periodically throughout the drive.
A trenchless installation method whereby a pneumatic pipe ramming tool is attached, via ram cones, to the rear of an open-ended steel casing pipe, which is then driven into the ground with repeated percussive blows. Once the steel casing pipe is driven into place the spoils within the casing are mechanically / manually removed or spoils may be removed periodically throughout the drive.
Directional Drilling
A steerable system for the installation of pipes, conduits and cables in a shallow arc using a surface launched drilling rig. Traditionally the term applies to large scale crossings in which a fluid-filled pilot bore is drilled using a fluid-driven motor at the end of a bend-sub, and is then enlarged by a washover pipe and back reamer to the size required for the product pipe. The required deviation during pilot boring is provided by the positioning of a bent sub. Tracking of the drill string is achieved by the use of a downhole survey tool.
A steerable system for the installation of pipes, conduits and cables in a shallow arc using a surface launched drilling rig. Traditionally the term applies to large scale crossings in which a fluid-filled pilot bore is drilled using a fluid-driven motor at the end of a bend-sub, and is then enlarged by a washover pipe and back reamer to the size required for the product pipe. The required deviation during pilot boring is provided by the positioning of a bent sub. Tracking of the drill string is achieved by the use of a downhole survey tool.
(1) General term used to describe methods of lining with continuous pipes and lining with discrete pipes. (2) Insertion of a new pipe by pulling or pushing it into the existing pipe and grouting the annular space. The pipe used may be continuous or a string of discrete pipes. (A string of discrete pipes is referred to as Segmental Sliplining).
(1) General term used to describe methods of lining with continuous pipes and lining with discrete pipes. (2) Insertion of a new pipe by pulling or pushing it into the existing pipe and grouting the annular space. The pipe used may be continuous or a string of discrete pipes. (A string of discrete pipes is referred to as Segmental Sliplining).
Concrete Box Jacking
Box jacking is similar to pipe jacking, but instead of jacking tubes, a box shaped tunnel is used. Jacked boxes can be a much larger span than a pipe jack with the span of some box jacks in excess of 20m. A cutting head is normally used at the front of the box being jacked and excavation is normally by excavator from within the box.
Box jacking is similar to pipe jacking, but instead of jacking tubes, a box shaped tunnel is used. Jacked boxes can be a much larger span than a pipe jack with the span of some box jacks in excess of 20m. A cutting head is normally used at the front of the box being jacked and excavation is normally by excavator from within the box.
Pit Excavation / Trench Shoring
Excavation of the entrance / jacking pit where the trenchless equipment is set up for the trenchless crossing. The entrance pit / jacking pit includes a thrust wall which provides a reaction backing system for receiving the jacking thrusts required for the crossing space in order for the crew to operate the trenchless equipment and service the operations; plus, allow working room for setting and joining of the trenchless pipe being installed.
Excavation of the receive pit shall be used to retrieve the trenchless equipment at the end of the trenchless crossing. Entrance and receive pits may also be used for construction of structures such as manholes for sanitary sewers.
Furnish and install trench shoring to provide support for the construction of the entrance and receive pit for the trenchless crossing. Trench shoring may include trench boxes, steel sheet piling, slide rail systems, steel beam and plate shoring or other types of trench shoring methods.
Excavation of the entrance / jacking pit where the trenchless equipment is set up for the trenchless crossing. The entrance pit / jacking pit includes a thrust wall which provides a reaction backing system for receiving the jacking thrusts required for the crossing space in order for the crew to operate the trenchless equipment and service the operations; plus, allow working room for setting and joining of the trenchless pipe being installed.
Excavation of the receive pit shall be used to retrieve the trenchless equipment at the end of the trenchless crossing. Entrance and receive pits may also be used for construction of structures such as manholes for sanitary sewers.
Furnish and install trench shoring to provide support for the construction of the entrance and receive pit for the trenchless crossing. Trench shoring may include trench boxes, steel sheet piling, slide rail systems, steel beam and plate shoring or other types of trench shoring methods.
Shaft Construction
The construction of deep shafts to serve as the entrance / jacking shaft or receive / exit shaft for trenchless construction. Deep shafts are typically deeper than pit excavations and thus may use alternate methods of construction and support such as secant piles, tight sheeting and structural steel liner plate and beams.
The construction of deep shafts to serve as the entrance / jacking shaft or receive / exit shaft for trenchless construction. Deep shafts are typically deeper than pit excavations and thus may use alternate methods of construction and support such as secant piles, tight sheeting and structural steel liner plate and beams.